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Do I Have to Throw Out Food After a Bed Bug Infestation?

When you have pests in your home, you likely worry about the different rooms and items they infest. When it comes to bed bugs, you do not ever need to worry about your food items in the home. Bed bugs rarely infest pantries and have no interest in human food whatsover. This means you almost never have to throw out food due to a bed bug infestation.

In general, bed bugs stick to what they infest. You don’t need to worry about them infesting food, electronics, clothing, your pets, and more.

Man taking trash bag to dumpster

Do Bed Bugs Eat Food Crumbs?

No, bed bugs do not eat food compared to some pests. They are interested in feeding on one thing and one thing only: blood! When undergoing a bed bug infestation, you very rarely have to throw out items. In fact, if treatment is administered properly by a professional exterminator, you should not have to throw anything away due to a bed bug infestation.

How Long Do Bed Bugs Live Without Feeding?

In certain conditions, bed bugs can live for an entire year without feeding. However, this is very rare. Depending on the temperature and humidity of the room, a bed bug can survive for a while without a blood meal. In ideal situations, adult bed bugs have known to survive for anywhere from 20 to 400 days without feeding. While this is certainly possible, it’s rare.

What Needs To Be Thrown Out After A Bed Bug Infestation?

Unlike roaches, ants, or pantry pests, bed bugs have no interest in infesting your pantry or any other items in the home. When you find out you have a bed bug problem, there’s no reason to panic and throw out everything in your home. It’s actually better to get professional treatment right away. This can help save you from throwing out food, bedding, and other items you’d typically have to toss after another type of pest infestation. For expert bed bug control, consider contacting a bed bug specialist in Texas.

Do I Have to Throw Out Food After a Bed Bug Infestation Serving Lubbock, Plainview, Levelland, Wolfforth?

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