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How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms

One of the most common hotspots for bed bug infestations is a college dorm building. With so many people moving out of these rooms on a regular basis, it’s no wonder infestations are common. This makes it important to learn how to prevent bed bugs as a college student.

To prevent bed bugs in college dorm room housing, here’s what to do:

  1. Learn how to recognize the signs of bed bugs.
  2. Inspect luggage and suitcases for bed bugs.
  3. Inspect second-hand furniture for signs of bed bugs.
  4. Always cover mattresses with protective covers.
  5. Inspect your room for signs of bed bugs before moving in or out.
Woman on bed with coffee and tablet

Bed Bug Problems In Universities

Due to the sheer amount of people living in dorms, bed bug problems are common. Colleges house individuals from all over the world who travel often, which is why bed bug problems are prone to start at any time of the year. When it comes to bed bugs in dorms, it’s important to know where to look. Beds, couches, chairs, baseboards, dressers, and clothing are all susceptible to getting bed bugs. Especially because most dorm room furniture is second-hand, it’s important to stay vigilant about looking for signs of infestations. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, it’s crucial to act quickly. Our bed bug expert in Texas can provide efficient and effective solutions to eradicate these pests. Click the button below to leave your information & we’ll be in touch.

Can College Students Bring Home Bed Bugs?

Infestations are known to commonly start when college students arrive home for the holidays or summer vacation. In order to prevent this, make sure your college student takes precautions in packing their suitcase, especially if it was used for other travel plans. Additionally, it’s important to be careful when unpacking suitcases. Wash all clothing (even clean clothes) in a hot wash, steam-clean the suitcase, and store the luggage off of the ground if possible.

Tips to Prevent Bed Bugs In College

The best prevention against bed bugs is knowledge. By understanding how bed bugs spread and where you are vulnerable to picking them up, you can lessen the risk of becoming infested. It’s important for college students to stay proactive about bed bugs. Bed bugs can easily spread from one dorm room to another, making it important to deal with the problem as soon as possible. As soon as you notice any indicators that you may have a bed bug problem, let an authority figure know right away to stop the spread. This way, professional bed bug treatment can quickly put an end to the infestation before it worsens.

How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Dorm Rooms Serving Lubbock, Plainview, Levelland, Wolfforth

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