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Can I Prevent Bed Bugs When Purchasing Used Furniture?

A common instance in which people get bed bugs is when people unknowingly buy and bring infested secondhand furniture inside their homes. While not all used furniture has bed bugs, of course, it is more common than you might want to believe. The good news is that you can prevent an infestation by being extra cautious when purchasing items.

Three things you can do to prevent bed bugs in secondhand furniture are:

  1. Avoid buying upholstered used furniture.
  2. Thoroughly inspect all items you buy.
  3. Never bring in free furniture from the curb!
Used armchairs arranged in a line outside

How To Inspect Furniture For Bed Bugs

If you’ve fallen in love with a piece of vintage furniture from your local secondhand store, it’s important to inspect it before bringing it home. Here’s what to look for:

  1. Be on the lookout for small black spots or even blood dots. This is a top indicator of bed bug activity, whether they’re active or not.
  2. Always check the undersides and cracks of tables, shelves, bed frames, and other furnishings.
  3. Look in furniture joints, seams, creases, crevices, cracks, voids, and more. They’ve even been known to hide in screw holes and more.
  4. If you see anything suspicious, don’t take the risk and avoid bringing the furniture into your home!

Bed Bugs in Used Furniture

Rest assured: not all used furniture is riddled with bed bugs. People worldwide buy second-hand furniture that is completely safe and bed bug-free. Unfortunately, some uninformed individuals will donate furniture from a past bed bug infestation. If you want to buy second-hand furniture, it’s simply best practice to thoroughly inspect all items before bringing them into your home.

How to Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Used Furniture

If you’ve fallen in love with a piece of furniture that is infested, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Always let the seller or store owner know. While some may offer refunds, it’s up to the seller. If you’re wishing to salvage the piece of furniture even with bed bugs, it’s best to consult a professional who offers bed bug control services to find out the best way to get rid of the bugs. Always leave the infested furniture outdoors to avoid bugs getting into your property.

Can I Prevent Bed Bugs When Purchasing Used Furniture Serving Lubbock, Plainview, Levelland, Wolfforth?

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