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Can I Prevent Bed Bugs Naturally?

When it comes to all-natural or DIY bed bug control, some methods may work to help prevent the pests in the first place. Even if these measures aren’t effective for getting rid of the pests, they can help ward them off.

While not all of these will work, some of the common natural prevention methods for bed bugs include:

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Essential oils
  • Peppermint
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Dryer sheets
  • Baby powder
Hand holding bottle of natural bed bug spray

All-Natural Bed Bug Repellents

It’s important to note that while a few of the following methods may repel bed bugs, they are not reliable enough to control an infestation.

  1. Diatomaceous earth works to absorb water and oils from the exoskeleton of a bed bug. By sprinkling this on a mattress or cracks in the wall, it may come into contact with the bugs.
  2. Essential oils have grown in popularity over the past years, but they simply will not do the trick to repel bed bugs in an infestation.
  3. Many people think spreading petroleum jelly on bed frames and headboards will literally stop bed bugs in their tracks, but that’s unfortunately not the case.
  4. No evidence has been recorded to prove that dryer sheets, baby powder, and other popular methods work to prevent or get rid of bed bugs.

DIY Bed Bug Prevention Methods

Although some of the above methods may help repel bed bugs, they will not work when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. Bed bugs have to be controlled by means of professional treatment, whether that’s heat or insecticides. As appealing as all-natural treatments seem, they won’t rid you of your bed bug treatment. Thankfully, there are many treatment methods that do not require use of chemicals to exterminate the bed bugs.

Preventing Bed Bugs With a Professional

In order to prevent bed bugs, it’s important to know the signs of bed bugs, take care while traveling, and inspect used furniture before bringing it into your property. While all-natural methods may be effective in repelling bed bugs, sometimes there’s no preventing an infestation. The best thing you can do to stay safe against bed bugs is to work with your local bed bug control experts.

Can I Prevent Bed Bugs Naturally Serving Lubbock, Plainview, Levelland, Wolfforth?

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